Improving the lives of Queenslanders living with arthritis.

Arthritis Queensland is a not-for-profit organisation that has been providing education, information and support for Queensland children and adults living with arthritis since 1976.

Our Vision

Freedom from Arthritis

Our Mission

Care and cure.

Our Strategy

With our 2022-2024 Strategic Plan, we commit to:

View our 2022-2024 Strategic Plan View our 2022-2024 Strategic Plan

View our 2023 Annual Report View our 2023 Annual Report

Our Team

Arthritis Queensland is run by a small team of staff who are committed to improving the lives of Queenslanders living with arthritis. 

Alex Green CEO
(Monday - Friday)
Melanie Morris Operations Manager
(Monday- Friday)
Jessica Neri  Health Promotion Manager
(Monday - Friday)

Ultan O'Dwyer  General Manager
 (Monday - Friday)

Sean Carmody  Community Health Coordinator 
(Monday - Friday)

Breanna Jones  Health Promotion Coordinator 
(Monday - Friday)
Priya Mathai  Fundraising Coordinator 
(Monday - Friday)
Claire Spokes  Administration & Volunteer Coordinator
(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & every 2nd Wednesday)
Wendy Angliss  Financial Controller
(Tuesday - Thursday)

Our Board

Arthritis Queensland is governed by a dedicated Board of Directors. Our Directors are volunteers who are chosen for their skills and experience and who receive no remuneration for their services.

Kate Templeman Chair
Michele Galagher Company Secretary/ Director
Dr Hashim Adbeen Director


Anne Gribbin Director/ Chair of the Fundraising Committee

David Cairns of Finavon  Director/ Chair of Finance, Audit and Risk Committee

Our  Patrons

Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM, Governor of Queensland and Professor Graeme Nimmo RFD



You can make a difference by supporting the work of Arthritis Queensland. Arthritis Queensland is 95% community funded. We rely on our generous donors and volunteers to ensure that we can continue to provide solutions and support to adults and children living with the pain of arthritis.