Webinars Recordings

If you weren't able to attend our webinars, that's okay as the recordings can be accessed below.

CBT & Arthritis

Arthritis & Sleep


Common Arthritis Medications

Work Smarter, Not Harder - Assistive Aids & Adaptive Technologies

Joint Surgery on your Radar? What you Need to Know

Inflammatory Arthritis in Young Adults

Building Mental Health Resilience by Dr Judy Lovas

Mindfulness & Arthritis

Mental Health & Arthritis: Pain, Emotions & Stress

Understanding Pain: The Psychology of the Experience

Gut Health & Arthritis - Research Updates with Dr Anne-Sophie Bergot, Prof Mark Morrison and Dr Hannah Mayr

Telehealth & Virtual Healthcare

Dietary Supplementation for your Joints

Identifying Fake Science

Fit for All: Affordable Strategies for an Active Lifestyle

Exercising for Flexibility and Stability - A Basic Guide

Building Strength and Endurance for Arthritis

An Introduction to Exercise for Arthritis

Meal Planning for Arthritis Relief

Weight Management for Arthritis

Closer Look into the 'Ultimate Arthritis Diet' - Does it Exist?

Arthritis & Nutrition: Managing Inflammation Through Diet

Osteoarthritis with Prof. David Hunter

Arthritis & Co-mobidities


Arthritis & Mindfulness

Arthritis & Mental Health

Arthritis & Sleep

Arthritis, Relationships & Sex

Arthritis & Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Pain

Research Updates on Medicinal Cannabis for Pain

Arthritis & Pain

Arthritis & Gut Health

Arthritis & Medicinal Cannabis

Arthritis & Complementary Medicines

Arthritis & Alternate Therapies

Arthritis & Carer Support

Arthritis & Dealing with your Arthritis Diagnosis

Hand & Foot Arthritis Exercises

Lower Limb Specific Exercises

fisiocrem – Designed to keep you moving.

Fisiocrem Joint Ease is for the temporary relief of symptoms of mild osteoarthritis, mild arthritis, and joint pain. Shop online at www.fisiocrem.com.au and use the code: KEEPMOVING for 30% off fisiocrem & fisiocrem merchandise. Always read the label and follow the directions for use. 



You can make a difference by supporting the work of Arthritis Queensland. Arthritis Queensland is 95% community funded. We rely on our generous donors and volunteers to ensure that we can continue to provide solutions and support to adults and children living with the pain of arthritis.